Vituperation in a sentence as a noun

No, the point was clear the in first instance, you just disagreed and preferred vituperation it to addressing my point.

A question: how much of the hate/distain/put-down/vituperation is because she's a she and not a he?Seriously.

Many comments in the guardian are vituperation but if you break the paywall to read news ltd comments they are racist, and worse.

It would be fair to hand out as much opprobrium and vituperation for the employers in these situations as the employees.

The problem in this case is simply the stylistic choice to rely primarily on "*******" instead of the usual variety of flowery vituperation.

Back when engineering was almost totally male-dominated, you were excused for using harsh criticism and vituperation at work.

Maybe then the public debate would be about what is efficacious and not the vapid vituperation that currently pervades American political discourse.

Among those consequences are condemnation, vituperation, scorn, ridicule, and pariah status.

> when engineering was almost totally male-dominated, you were expected to be able to bear harsh criticism and vituperationI don’t you intended this, but at first read your comment comes across as sexist.

The problem I see is that unless these organisations are beyond criticism they can always be accused of bias and all their work dismissed, and then consider the context:'It is impossible to overstate the degree of daily vituperation visited upon the president in the media.

Vituperation definitions


abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will

See also: invective vitriol