Visceral in a sentence as an adjective

[1]This visceral feeling of "quality" is what gives Apple's brand such cachet.

I have a visceral disgust for Windows that defies any logic.

They won't be able to tell you why, but on a visceral level they will be able to feel the difference.

Anyone could have said those words, it wouldn't have affected me in such a visceral manner, it had to be Steve.

I've held out on Android development for many reasons, but my visceral hate for Eclipse is one of them.

This is the most visceral/succinct explanation of the consequences of allowing the ISPs to have a "fast lane"...

But I'm not claiming that *** leads you to the philosophical idea; I'm saying that it slaps you right in the face with it, viscerally.

Really?I don't understand this visceral hatred of pornography.

But that's because the consequences of such a violation of privacy are immediate and visceral.

This really isn't any worse than the other invasions of privacy that have been revealed – but it's much easier to point at it as an egregious and visceral violation of privacy.

The NSA's data collection is tied in various ways to the no-fly list, the war on *****, and targeted assassinations, each of which result in visceral, immediate harm to real people.

It's this: *** confronts you, in an extremely visceral way, with the fact that the entire universe that you perceive and interact with, the whole world and everybody in it, is entirely in your own mind at all times.

This is not technically speaking impossible, but the Bitcoin community has a visceral hatred for the idea, because it allows off-blockchain-entities to effectively deprive them of the use of their coins.

Visceral definitions


relating to or affecting the viscera; "visceral bleeding"; "a splanchnic nerve"

See also: splanchnic


obtained through intuition rather than from reasoning or observation

See also: intuitive nonrational