Vindication in a sentence as a noun

"The second is a nice feeling of vindication.

Reading this piece by one of my childhood mentors very much evoked a feeling of vindication.

You guys are falling for crappy financial news and are up-voting it out of personal opinion vindication.

I'll save your competent legal representative some time and cut to the chase: vindication in court will not enable you to recoup a single yen.

This is vindication of evolutionary theory but in the context of cognitive neuroscience.

I had a feeling they were like this from their horrible, obnoxious recruiting billboards, and it's kind of sad vindication to see how terrible they truly are in practice.

This is while the discovery of the Higgs boson is a huge vindication for theoretical physics; it puts all these crazy-sounding ideas on empirical footing.

There they confute all opinions, and boldly they may do it, for as much as no liberty of reply or vindication in public is allowed to any, though never so much scandalized by them.

The former will exhaust every option to circumvent the obstacles; the latter will almost look at the obstacles as vindication of a deep-seated suspicion that he's wrong.

So much propaganda mileage was squeezed from him that I am sure there is some ambivalence as to whether he's more valuable dead as some ******** "vindication" vs. alive as a perpetual bogeyman.

Since the effect of these and other upcoming sporting events on public works is a major cause of vindication, a large group of protesters tried to move near the stadium and ended up clashing with riot troops.

Not sure it would indicate the speaker hates all men per se, just this one.- But lame, like the speaker couldn't control themselves over their anger at someone and had to bring it on stage for some kind of pathetic vindication?

Vindication definitions


the act of vindicating or defending against criticism or censure etc.; "friends provided a vindication of his position"

See also: exoneration


the justification for some act or belief; "he offered a persuasive defense of the theory"

See also: defense defence