Vigilance in a sentence as a noun

No, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

The price of victory is eternal vigilance and an endless supply of fresh troops to reinforce your position.

Actually, not only true but expected:"The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

That reminds me of Vigil[0], a Python-derived language that defends supreme moral vigilance.

Eternal moral vigilance is the price of coding liberty!This project clearly needs to be amended to integrate with version control.

My father doesn't display really any of the daytime symptoms, irritability, chest pain, hyper-vigilance, etc.

I think it's likely that we'll start to identify patterns in it and produce some finer grained group of related diagnoses: high stress short-term sensitivity, chronic long term hyper-vigilance, etc.

We've gone with the JVM because it provides a good productivity/performance balance, but eternal vigilance is needed in profiling the memory allocation patterns and tuning the garbage collector to handle the load.

Yikes.>Toss aside the bath water of anxiety and you will also be tossing aside excitement, motivation, vigilance, ambition, exuberance and inspiration, to name just several of the inevitable sacrifices.

"In the age of digital wonders, more than ever we are dependent upon the vigilance of citizens of conscience to protect us against Orwellian scenarios of those many wannabe Darth Vadors lurking in the murky depths of the governmental bureaucracy..."This is probably the most sober assessment of the current situation which is both optimistic and depressing simultaneously.

Vigilance definitions


the process of paying close and continuous attention; "wakefulness, watchfulness, and bellicosity make a good hunter"; "vigilance is especially susceptible to fatigue"

See also: watchfulness wakefulness alertness


vigilant attentiveness; "he keeps a weather eye open for trouble"

See also: watchfulness