Viceroy in a sentence as a noun

I worked on a G-on-G project at Google and used both grafana and viceroy.

The viceroy sent in 600 troops, half of which, unbeknown to Blake, moved into the Walled City.

On viceroy if you unintentionally put 2000 lines on a graph, you get a visual mess.

The Queen's viceroy dismissed him as elected prime minister in 1975.

I never had an issue with grafana on mobile, but I was never was able to see viceroy on a mobile browser because of the Corp network.

I agree - grafana is wayyy better than viceroy and the other monitoring dashboards that were available when I worked at Google.

Learning music wont make your child smart, but it will come in handy when your child grows up to be viceroy of a small overseas colony and must function as a member of aristocratic society.

> As governor and viceroy of the Indies, Columbus imposed iron discipline on what is now the Caribbean country of Dominican Republic, according to documents discovered by Spanish historians in 2005.

So, while probably being a skilled navigator, he was either a serial bullshitter who may or may not have been before the King of Spain and may not have actually seen features that were later ascribed to the area, or a man wronged probably by the viceroy who may have colluded with others to get him excluded from the archives.

Viceroy definitions


governor of a country or province who rules as the representative of his or her king or sovereign

See also: vicereine


showy American butterfly resembling the monarch but smaller