Vibe in a sentence as a noun

"So, let me clue you in to the vibe here.

I suppose it's popular here on HN because it has a bit of the "How things work" vibe.

I actually didn't get this vibe from them, but I only dealt with a couple recruiters.

There's a strong bully/prison experiment vibe to these companies.

For a while now, I've pondered the creation of a new scientific society, something which has the same 'vibe' as the Royal Society did in the late 1800 early 1900's. Sort of a 'gentlepersons group' of critical thinkers.

I've worked in so many places where the management vibe was "how can we squeeze more blood out of the talent" and not "how can we support the talent to make awesome things.

The "Remember me" checkbox feels like something Stripe is pushing on me to help them with their business objectives, which isn't the vibe I usually get when dealing with Stripe.

The 5 seconds you make eye contact with someone and say hi to them are vital for gathering your senses, and starting this interaction a new. If you didn't say "hi, how are you", ******* clients would rub off on you and you would smear that bad vibe on all subsequent clients.

Sega hasn't made a good game in over a decade – I won't even blame that on their pursuing a "mature and edgy" vibe with the Sonic franchise, though they seem to think that's what gamers want.

Vibe definitions


a distinctive emotional aura experienced instinctively; "that place gave me bad vibrations"; "it gave me a nostalgic vibe"

See also: vibration