Verdant in a sentence as an adjective

Would you like to consider the lush, verdant pastures of the middle ground?

A true verdant thou hast burnt in mine eyes and may it shine on brightly within them forever.

"a more just, verdant, and peaceful world"Well that sponsorship was obviously well-spent!

Think of the verdant fields that could be reduced to red dust!Truly, an environmental catastrophe.

I visited Chernobyl two years ago, and in all of Europe I've never seen a place so verdant, and teeming with wildlife.

I would often gaze outside at the verdant countryside as we zipped by... Incidentally, being bored in trains was what got me into reading a lot.

I would speculate it is no coincidence that the industrial revolution occurred so quickly, in part due to a verdant climate.

And I think there's a qualitative difference between getting funding from an organization that wants to increase its bottom line and one that wants to create a more just, verdant, and peaceful world.

Tunisia was once a verdant agricultural land with a booming economy that supported the building of sumptuous homes, outdoor theatres, public baths, temples, enormous aqueducts, etc.

From Melbourne’s email-a-tree service archive:My dearest UlmusWhile languishing inebriated 'neath your ample verdant canopy I was inspired to verse:I think that I shall never hear a poem as lovely as a beer.

Verdant definitions


characterized by abundance of verdure