Venturous in a sentence as an adjective

We are based in Spain and the Spanish VCs are not what you could call that "venturous".

In a more venturous approach you could move the 50% up to 60% while adjusting bond and ROW markets.

But why deprecate the blow-up feature?Let's offer the valve as an "option" for the less venturous types!

Please explain to me the value of these articles, I understand that hacker news is run by capital venturous but I still feel that we got minimal value from just ogling at the absurd amount of money that the startups are getting.

Venturous definitions


disposed to venture or take risks; "audacious visions of the total conquest of space"; "an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas"; "the most daring of contemporary fiction writers"; "a venturesome investor"; "a venturous spirit"

See also: audacious daring venturesome