Varnish in a sentence as a noun

Crypt and varnish are bits of code getting billions of uses.

Before he dies he wants to run nginx and varnish caching so that his site will survive the front page of HN.

We do no caching, unless you are running an old bamboo app and are therefore going through varnish.

Varnish in a sentence as a verb

This is so that we can benefit from server side includes which are cached in varnished, and rebuilt by nginx.- Eager Loading.

The stack is on EC2 running Django with memcached and varnish serving up json and the frontend uses jQuery, underscore and backbone to render it"English: We made a website to process data using natural language parsing and statistical modeling.

* haproxy - frontline proxy\n * varnish - app server cache\n * nginx - static files\n * uwsgi - app server\n * flask - primary framework\n * tornado - async/comet connections\n * bulbflow - graph database toolkit\n * rabbitmq - queue/messaging\n * redis - caching & sessions\n * neo4j - high performance graph database\n * hadoop - data processing

Varnish definitions


a coating that provides a hard, lustrous, transparent finish to a surface


cover with varnish

See also: seal