Varietal in a sentence as a noun

Learn what varietals you like and then play with foods spicy, sweet, and sour.

Like, why Golden Rice is inferior to the rice varietal from which it is derived?

I think a better comparison is to have a wide range of prices for a single varietal.

And that merlot often ends up in red blends because selling it as a single varietal still doesn't fly.

The strategy I've always employed is to pay no more than $6-9 unless it's a special varietal.

I tasted the varietal and thought it was amazing value for money - that it tasted like a reserve.

It's actually quite impressive what a master Sommelier can do. S/he can taste a wine, tell you the varietal, tell you the region it was made and the year it was produced.

The blind tasting of six wines requires not only identifying the grape varietal, but the region it came from and the year it was made.

OK, but that's a varietal difference, which is one of the factors that the poster identified as being important - no?

In what specific nutritional manner do you think Golden Rice is inferior to the varietal of white rice from which it was derived?

A fictional character in a fictional movie said one negative line about merlot and wiped out the market for that varietal[1].

Synthetics had more oxidized notes, Screw cap wines tended to be reduced and have varietal characteristics consistent with younger wines, while cork aged as expected.

We do not have AOC type labeling tho'...except for lavender and orange blossom honey etc that have single floral flavours and not blended, then a radius of 5 acres worth should have the same varietal as advertised.

Even if they made massive changes turning into their own beast allowing us to call the Snowden version significant we are still left with the question of: Are all the attacks over the past 10 years attributed to this general varietal, their attacks?

Several certified organic brands, whose companies support strict labeling or outright bans on GMO-crops, market their use of branded wheat and other varietal strains which were derived from mutagenic processes without any reference to this genetic manipulation..."

Even non coffee drinkers know about "that coffee where the weasel poops it out."That aside, modern experimental coffee processing techniques, varietal classifications, and terroir's effect on taste and quality is far more interesting and productive with regards to pushing the envelope for specialty coffee.

Varietal definitions


a wine made principally from one grape and carrying the name of that grape