Vanquish in a sentence as a verb

Use this one weird trick to forge a bond among your peers and vanquish your enemies

Toyota and Audi won't be nearly as easy to vanquish as GM.

Is it the only policy that we would need to vanquish poverty and crime in the US?

Dear god of science, I pray that you will lead me to the truth, I pray that your methods, applied with utmost vigilance, will vanquish the darkness.

But do you really believe humanity's fate is to advance so far as to create something that will tell us we are the problem and vanquish us?

Where they can't, there isn't - at the end of the day - any way I can see to prevent someone from using superior force to vanquish someone who possesses less strength.

It's almost always easy to vanquish fractured, poorly organized competition when it comes to politics.

If you work tirelessly to vanquish malaria but never get beyond a middle-class material existence, you've still lived well and done good-- you weren't trying to get rich.

Well, first you need a sorting hat.\nThen you have different houses that cater to particular styles of learning.\nIf all goes well, one of the students will figure out how to vanquish evil.

[disclaimer: obviously I have a massive massive bias against jenkins, as part of CircleCIs mission is vanquish it and its awful usability]

In fact, some things should be impossible to exchange, directly, with currency.>Where they can't, there isn't - at the end of the day - any way I can see to prevent someone from using superior force to vanquish someone who possesses less strength.

The 19 year old who mugs someone in a gang initiation ritual is still a bad person even if you can explain his behavior in socioeconomic terms.> Is it the only policy that we would need to vanquish poverty and crime in the US?

However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition!

Vanquish definitions


come out better in a competition, race, or conflict; "Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship"; "We beat the competition"; "Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game"

See also: beat crush shell trounce