Vanish in a sentence as a verb

A whole lot of this sort of **** could just vanish.

I expect that there are many people who would jump the the chance to make Cheezburger vanish from the web.

Securities laws don't vanish in the private placement context.

#2 vanishes from consensus history, along with all of the transactions inside of it.

Tl;dr: Posts whose net score ever becomes negative essentially vanish permanently due to a quirk in the algorithm.

" after N+2, as long as you're OK with occasionally having your transactions retroactively vanish.

If I'm booked through from SFO to DFW to MIA and I vanish at DFW, they're going to be calling my name over the PA system and trying to figure out whether or not to hold the DFW-MIA flight.

These tools exist for the bigger fish: the dozens of Soviet-era nuclear weapons believed to be missing, or the small amounts of dangerous pathogens that periodically vanish from research labs.

That's where the distinction between gas and liquid vanishes -- the viscosity, index of refraction, etc of one phase approach those of the other until differences vanish altogether at the critical point.

Remember, the "historical memory" doesn't vanish with a generation that experienced Nazism or Communism.

For example, one might like to believe that, in an electronic world, old-style industrial pressures like taking orders from managers, showing up in an uninspiring white-box office during certain hours, and writing TPS reports would vanish... but human nature is a certain way and power likes to maintain position, so the transition is actually taking decades rather than the hours that it "should".

We put the fire out by reverting the Oracle DB version on a few big sites, telling everyone else to downgrade as well, and posting on an out of band channel that if you were doing anything important with the Internet you might want to stop for a few hours because there were going to be two separate and very mutually incompatible Internets and one of them was going to suddenly vanish a couple hours later and it sure would suck if your mail/web browsing/Dropbox/etc went into that one."Seriously.

Vanish definitions


get lost, as without warning or explanation; "He disappeared without a trace"

See also: disappear


become invisible or unnoticeable; "The effect vanished when day broke"

See also: disappear


pass away rapidly; "Time flies like an arrow"; "Time fleeing beneath him"

See also: fell


cease to exist; "An entire civilization vanished"

See also: disappear


decrease rapidly and disappear; "the money vanished in las Vegas"; "all my stock assets have vaporized"

See also: vaporize