Upward in a sentence as an adjective

For example, you can think of the market as a random walk with an upward bias. Year on year, you're generally up.

The trend in China may be upward but is that because of real growth or just due to the inflation of a huge bubble?

So, step aggressively in an upward direction. The way you avoid getting trapped is by not standing still.

I imagine it is just as badly managed as the housing where they are refusing to let people build upward.

Someone passed it to HN. People hit an arrow pointing upward. That's how anything gets to the top of Hacker News.

The heights by great men reached and kept Were not attained by sudden flight, But they, while their companions slept, Were toiling upward in the night. Some days its hard to open a text editor.

We can get through the rough patch and continue to grow and in a year from now we can adjust this upward and be worth more. If you insist on $30K, which is your right, we shut the whole thing down because we can't keep the lights on.

You know what I've seen an upward trend of? People taking themselves and everything they see entirely too seriously.

], by starting at zero and counting upward. data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat\n\nwhich introduces a new, interesting idea that ADTs may be recursive.

It's your job to understand yourself first, enough to keep moving, inward, onward and upward. Through your understanding of yourself, you'll be able to connect to others deeply and in a meaningful way.

If the value of bitcoin is on a downward spiral rather than an upward spiral, then you would expect fewer buyers, and those buyers would pay less for declining assets. Paying less in turn sets the market value lower; it becomes cyclical.

Upward in a sentence as an adverb

Furthermore, when Realtors collude with their Brokers, they have collective incentive to both negotiate prices upward and take as large of a cut as possible of that inflated amount. Missing from the equation is a system of checks and balances.

The mistake this and other articles like it make is it attempts to aggregate this blame upward. After all, the thinking goes, it's a manager's responsibility to ensure the proper behavior of those who report to him, and that chain ends at the CEOs. Therefore, the view goes, the CEOs must be held accountable.

Suffice to say that no, no time elapses between dropping and falling, but at the same time no, no signal or interaction has to propagate upward from the ground to Wile E. in order to make him start falling. In fact, what's going on is that Wile E. is always falling, due to the curvature of spacetime created by the Earth.

There is almost no downward price pressure on college costs, and there is upward price pressure: since the students don't care about the price, they always want the school with better and more modern facilities, which cost money.

Thus, as seen from say, a startup's vantage point, this check on the upward price pressure actually kept the supply of affordable engineers up. So I remain sympathetic to the there-aren't-enough-programmers line of thinking, and certainly don't think of this as hypocritical or antithetical to that line.

It looks like we're in a general upward trend of richer interactive documents created by average users. Some observations of the zeitgiest that look unrelated on the surface but nevertheless, seems to point towards a common desire for dynamic user-controlled "documents": -- Javascript d3.

The computer that finds this hash is awarded 50 BTC. The difficulty target is automatically adjusted upward to keep new bitcoin generation at a constant pace. Some quick research shows a handful of big players in the mining market who have invested heavily in high-end GPUs for dedicated bitcoin mining, some with over 50 GPUs running 24/7 for months now.

My only qualm from reading it thus far is the very last section under Navigation [1] regarding System-to-app navigation: "For the Back key, you should make navigation more predictably [sic] by inserting into the task's back stack the complete upward navigation path to the app's topmost screen." No. This piece of advice is the sole reason why the back button is confusing to users.

We're a very upward-looking society so it's easy for someone making $250K a year to say "I'm not rich, I still have a mortgage, I have to work for a living I can't just spend whatever I want, whenever I want -- I know there are people further up the latter than me who have so much more money, I must be middle class." Absolute percentiles are useful because they do show you where you stand in relation to the rest of society.

In exerting a downward force upon the air, the wing receives an upward counterforce--by the same principle, known as Newton's law of action and reaction, which makes a gun recoil as it shoves the bullet out forward; and which makes the nozzle of a fire hose press backward heavily against the fireman as it shoots out a stream of water forward. Air is heavy; sea-level air weights about 2 pounds per cubic yard; thus, as your wings give a downward push to a cubic yard after cubic yard of that heavy stuff, they get upward reactions that are equally hefty.

Upward definitions


directed up; "the cards were face upward"; "an upward stroke of the pen"


extending or moving toward a higher place; "the up staircase"; "a general upward movement of fish"


spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position; "look up!"; "the music surged up"; "the fragments flew upwards"; "prices soared upwards"; "upwardly mobile"

See also: upwards upwardly


to a later time; "they moved the meeting date up"; "from childhood upward"

See also: upwards