Upbeat in a sentence as a noun

" Even rarer are the ones that don't leave on an upbeat ending.

I am so tired of the upbeat acquihire 'hey, users, this is good for you!

There were a modest number of short, upbeat paragraphs broken up with large titles.

Contrary to my expectation, this post was quite upbeat.

There's a huge difference, though, which is that Apple pulled it off. The "I'm a PC" ads might have been barbed, but they were also funny, and managed to keep it upbeat.

Upbeat in a sentence as an adjective

This article makes me wish HN had a downvote button for submissions - its some upbeat **** with an example that is debatable.

I have a theory that I'd be super upbeat if I had achieved massive, world-class success doing something I love, that was game-changing, in about as pure a form as it gets.

Government economist-politicians, who have to be perpetually upbeat to try to keep the market confident?

Moodys was upbeat about Canada, but the Canadian press constantly presented the national finances as catastrophic.

Too many other people writing for similar sites and with similar structures have written excessively upbeat, low-thought articles for me to trust ones on this site without doing a lot more due diligence than I normally will for a quick morning read.

Upbeat definitions


a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous; "the town was finally on the upbeat after our recent troubles"

See also: wellbeing well-being welfare eudaemonia eudaimonia


an unaccented beat (especially the last beat of a measure)

See also: offbeat


pleasantly (even unrealistically) optimistic

See also: cheerful pollyannaish