Unwieldiness in a sentence as a noun

I guess that's what I get for trying to emulate the unwieldiness of ssh_config.

Wasn't the unwieldiness of render functions the entire reason JSX was created?

I suspect that the unwieldiness of big engineering organizations plays a role.

I think the unwieldiness of the GPL in closed environments is a net win because it creates incentives to moving to more open systems.

I have a feeling that the basic "need" for ORMs was originally driven purely by the unwieldiness of querying a MySQL database.

A heavyweight IDE is really only necessary because of the unwieldiness of Java patterns for naming and code layout.

This comment appears every single time there's a discussion on the unwieldiness of code as text, probably ever since online discussions were a thing.

And the sheer unwieldiness of a paper ballot drastically amplifies the difficulty of subverting it.

Personally I think that Ruby is a decent language that gets a few things right, despite some early compromises to get closer to the metal which caused some unwieldiness down the road.

In most cases the unwieldiness of a ton of gold compared to X number of crypto-coins serves as a superior security mechanism for a 'store of value.

Or you could try to give up the total decentralization of Bitcoin, given that it's an illusion anyway and the source of most of the expense, security problems, and unwieldiness that will come to haunt the protocol.

Switching to a non-character based system would admittedly in that case mean some domain specific writing would be slightly less compact, but that seems a reasonable tradeoff given the unwieldiness of the current writing system.

Sure, one can try to argue from a purely linguistic perspective, pointing out unwieldiness of Chinese characters as opposed to Latin-based alphabets; or the general rarity of tonal languages, such as Chinese; but that’s a crappy argument.

Curious about one criticism in particular: I can run pipenv shell to get a new shell which runs the activate script by default, giving you the worst of both worlds when it comes to virtualenv activation: the unwieldiness of a new shell, and the activate script, which the proponents of the shell spawning dislike.

Unwieldiness definitions


the quality of being difficult to direct or control by reason of complexity; "avoiding the unwieldiness of formal legal processes"; "the onset of unwieldiness and bureaucracy in large organizations"


trouble in carrying or managing caused by bulk or shape; "the movers cursed the unwieldiness of the big piano"

See also: awkwardness cumbersomeness