Unused in a sentence as an adjective

Qatar has a huge allocation of unused IP addresses.

Only that he 'saw in vm_stat that OS X was swapping out used memory for unused memory'.

There are currently 24 contiguous bytes of unused space in the SQLite header.

The propaganda is that you can sell unused capacity.

This adds power but at the cost of a steeper learning curve for people unused to thinking so deeply about the contracts/promises code and data structures are making.

You might find body { width: 800px; position: relative; left: 50%; margin-left: -400px; } impossible to pull out of one's ***; it's not, you're just unused to negative margins.

We don't need to assume they're unused to practicality or intelligent observation and reflection simply because their opinions are divergent from our own.

Quote Examples using Unused

Optimizing priority queues... Recalculating scheduler lookup tables... Terminating unused system processes... Recovering memory leaks... Flushing network buffers... Then it'd randomly pick a number X and report to the user "System reports X% faster.


Unused definitions


not yet used or soiled; "a fresh shirt"; "a fresh sheet of paper"; "an unused envelope"

See also: fresh


not yet put into use; "we bought an unused car for a change"


not in active use; "the machinery sat idle during the strike"; "idle hands"

See also: idle


infrequently exposed to; "feet unused to shoes"