Untimely in a sentence as an adjective

Steve’s untimely death reminds us we can never give up.

" attitude and now want to find someone to blame for his untimely death.

Now, 26 years after his untimely death, people are starting to agree.

* It's too tied up with illicit interests and won't break out of that image, leading it to an untimely demise in culture.

What figure from, say, the 17th century is most responsible for the greatest reduction in untimely deaths since then?

"The demise of RSS""The downfall of RSS"Or if you want to get superdramatic: "The silent acquiescence of RSS to an untimely demise"

Untimely in a sentence as an adverb

While the untimely death Aaron is tragic, the constant fawning over celebrities on Hacker News is frequently depressing.

Then again, when everyone else is safe in the water and you're the last one on the bridge when the train comes through, you might feel a bit silly in the moments before your untimely demise.

I have a rather cold heart myself but still had no trouble seeing how a cute story like this told shortly after a tragic and untimely death could resonate in a heartfelt way.

Ramanujan's discovery of the mock theta functions makes it obvious that his skill and ingenuity did not desert him at the oncoming of his untimely end.

Looking at the company's profile[1], it makes no mention of Reisse, and lists Luckey as the "Founder".Even searching their site[2] makes no mention of Reisse, other than a recent discussion[3] about his untimely death.

\nNone of her children would subscribe to that.\nHowever that accusation and the stress of caring for my sister over many years contributed, in my view, to my mother's untimely death to an autoimmune disease.\nI'm sure that psychiatrist probably never gave it any thought beyond that day.\nPsychiatry has a long way to go before I'll consider it has risen beyond quackery.

Untimely definitions


badly timed; "an ill-timed intervention"; "you think my intrusion unseasonable"; "an untimely remark"; "it was the wrong moment for a joke"

See also: ill-timed unseasonable wrong


uncommonly early or before the expected time; "illness led to his premature death"; "alcohol brought him to an untimely end"

See also: premature


too soon; in a premature manner; "I spoke prematurely"

See also: prematurely