Untactful in a sentence as an adjective

It was quite... untactful, to say the least.

How can one be so untactful and 'proposition' via text chat?

It is a bit untactful in our PC times but, guess what, I agree that RMS is not the most tactful guy in the world.

Being challenged by a person low on the hierarchy so openly does look untactful on your part.

However, I think it's possible that he has it and that it has led him to saying things in untactful ways, and it's those things he's said that irk people.

This negatively attracts males' attention while being untactful to others.- He then demonstrates Gimp's new features by making people uglier.

> That said security-minded people are often inconsiderate and horribly untactful in their approach.

That awkward-looking guy fiddling with his phone just got an important message from his SO, and as untactful as it may be between friends, he doesn't feel comfortable not replying immediately.

Untactful definitions


lacking or showing a lack of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others; "in the circumstances it was tactless to ask her age"

See also: tactless