Unsympathetic in a sentence as an adjective

This kind of thing happens to unsympathetic defendants like Weev first.

But I do know my students didn't like me, complaining that I was too hard and unsympathetic.

I'm totally unsympathetic with these companies, and now they are just getting away literally free.

If we use "you should have known better" as the only criterion to determine if sympathy is deserved, we'd be really unsympathetic.

For people who work in police work and prosecution, it's a constant parade of various degrees of unsympathetic characters.

[Late edit: I should be more careful, since the case could be made that she's being taken advantage of by unscrupulous attorneys, and it's they who are unsympathetic.

Being an "an unsympathetic defendant" frankly makes it even more important to support him. One of the worst things with these out of proportion indictments/sentences is that they leave too much room for other factors, which can turn into things like political repression.

I've met my fair share of arrogant, abrasive, unsympathetic, or misogynistic geeks who seem to have mostly become that as a reaction to having been bullied or ostracized.

I was surprised that the protagonist was so unsympathetic; a Reason story about Oxy is more likely to be about doctors being locked up for helping people in intractable pain.

Maybe before we spend a lot of time complaining about how federal prosecutors are unsympathetic assholes, we should start by examining our own community.

""...federal prosecutors are unsympathetic assholes..."The subject here is not jail sentences or felony convictions or legal antics.

You can't be an effective mainstream advocacy organization when you're off defending unsympathetic people for principled purposes.

Orwell might be a bit disappointed, and is definitely unsympathetic to fascism, but he does give it credit for being able to inspire people to a grander cause than their own comfort and well-being.

If he'd had to build a service to scrape the flash audio and then made it accessible via regular streams, that would justify this app's existence and price, but as it stands I find myself mildly unsympathetic.

The academic system is currently largely unsympathetic towards trying to cover multiple sub-areas even within computer science with people in other sub-areas often being unwelcoming.

We should remember that DJB was a key person in making cryptography fully legal in the US.«The State Department was unsympathetic to Bernstein's situation and told Bernstein he would need a license to be an arms dealer before he could simply post the text of his encryption program on the Internet.

Unsympathetic definitions


not sympathetic or disposed toward; "unsympathetic officialdom"; "people unsympathetic to the revolution"; "his dignity made him seem aloof and unsympathetic"


(of characters in literature or drama) tending to evoke antipathetic feelings; "all the characters were peculiarly unsympathetic"

See also: unappealing unlikeable unlikable


not having an open mind; "a closed mind unreceptive to new ideas"

See also: closed


lacking in sympathy and kindness; "unkindly ancts"

See also: unkindly


not agreeing with your tastes or expectations; "found the task disagreeable and decided to abandon it"; "a job temperamentally unsympathetic to him"

See also: disagreeable