Unsaved in a sentence as an adjective

The app lost a half hour of unsaved meeting notes.

Their unsaved file gave no indication of being saved.

Uh oh... The AI just fired its second missile at my unsaved thesis edits.

Indeed, real life has no equivalent to "unsaved changes".

Because they think they can't replace the current unsaved buffer they open another file in a tab.

So if you are using a modern browser, you don't have to worry about losing any unsaved data.

| | | | If you choose to retire the CEO | | immediately, you will lose any | | unsaved cash cows and reboot the | | corporate strategy.

Sometimes I've even seen the middle button paste into the address bar and send me off, loosing whatever unsaved work I had on a website.

One great feature of Sublime that I miss in Atom is persisting unsaved changes between restarts, which I abused for temporary To Do lists and stuff.

This is not for data loss reasons, it's for being able to document what is happening; when you have a bunch of unsaved work, you don't know what's there and git doesn't know what's there.

This is is not a solution for their actual problem, which is that they have no way to serialize the game's running state, and thus will lose any unsaved game data if they do obey the lifecycle and let their app get culled.

Unsaved definitions


in danger of the eternal punishment of Hell; "poor damned souls"

See also: cursed damned doomed unredeemed