Unquestioning in a sentence as an adjective

There's power to be gained and money to be made from a submissive, unquestioning people.

Most of the mainstream media is unquestioning at best.

I find that unquestioning love for Helvetica and hate for Comic Sans go hand in hand.

Do you honestly think you can bully me into unquestioning acceptance of your premises?

The article criticises the unquestioning use of bad heuristics.

"Patriot", to me, suggests a unquestioning loyalty, lack of thought or perspective.

By "militant" I don't simply mean strong-held beliefs, but also unquestioning acceptance of stories that reaffirm those beliefs.

Government is in first place, ahead of organized religion, in the race to obtain the most passionate, unquestioning, dedicated followers.

" has several other options available:"In cahoots with",\n"defers to",\n"is complicit with",\n"is subservient to",\n"is unquestioning towards"See, you just need to sprinkle a little bit of vocabulary to taste.

It may be rewarding on some level to assume that every school operated by the government is part of a monolithic agenda to turn the nation's youth into unquestioning robots to staff our various production lines.

It is authoritarianism, which Wikipedia defines as "a form of government as well as a personality and social trait [that] is characterized by absolute or blind obedience to authority, as against individual freedom and related to the expectation of unquestioning obedience.

Unquestioning definitions


not inclined to ask questions


being without doubt or reserve; "implicit trust"

See also: implicit