Unpronounceable in a sentence as an adjective

Slashdot doesn't get its name from the web, it's just that Taco wanted something "unpronounceable", so he came up with "/.

I guess I never thought what it might be like if it was a completely unpronounceable alphabet like Greek for example.

" He replied, "It's unpronounceable, and symbolises how meaningless are the labels that we attach to ourselves.

It won't generate a bunch of other non-words, call them the\n unpronounceable ones, containing letter combinations found nowhere in\n the dictionary.

Not having to know the weird unpronounceable mnemonic for a certain register as well as the specific bit in that register that you set in order to trigger the ADC is a huge plus.

Does anyone else find it ironic that an article about making your graphics simple and easy to understand is published on a website with a name that is unmemorable and unpronounceable?

Okay, I'm supposed to use ambiguous, obscure, or unpronounceable acronyms when speaking to people?Maybe we've reached the point where non-geeks know what "SaaS" is, and don't confuse it with the attitude or the statistical software or anything else.

Having lots of enthusiasm for the product doesn't mean having lots of enthusiasm for suggesting 50 good names, all of which are already squatted, before finally settling on some unpronounceable nonsense that happens to be available.

When Europeans first discovered the animal, Africans referred to the first sound in its name as a click, which the Europeans didn't use in their languages, so the "g" in the word essentially stands for "unpronounceable sound," and is usually omitted.

It depends, sometimes the words they invent fit quite naturally into the language and people tend to use them and sometimes they just invent something unpronounceable and obviously nobody is using those words and use the English word as a replacement instead.

Excellent mathematics, yes, but the excessive syntax, weird conventions and unpronounceable German alphabet made it harder than it needs to be. I recommend people get set-theoretic intros to analysis; mathematics teaching has become far more accessible in the last few decades, and nowadays the yellow Springer-Verlag texts, specially for undergraduates, is doing a fine job combining rigor with readability.

Unpronounceable definitions


impossible or difficult to pronounce correctly


very difficult to pronounce correctly; "an unpronounceable foreign word"; "unutterable consonant clusters"

See also: unutterable