Unpolitical in a sentence as an adjective

Rule #1 of maps:There are no unpolitical maps.

The capitalist will just have to deal with the fact that their workers are not mindless unpolitical drones.

If I am wrong, I would really like to know when was the time reporting was unpolitical or without agenda.

Citing papers doesn’t make an opinion piece “scientific” or unpolitical.

Just so you know why I downvoted you:- your comment is not at all unpolitical, even though you claim to not "have a political horse in this race.

Are the shiny baloon-like sculptures produced by questionably paid interns of Jeff Koons unpolitical?

If you want to see what good, factual, relatively unpolitical press conferences look like, take a look at the daily updates in Singapore or Germany.

Math and Chess are both indoor activities and also absolutely unpolitical, which is a huge plus in an authoritarian regime.

Blizzard's construction of "unpolitical" is itself very political.

I think discussing a tangential discussion is enlighting: Is there such a thing as unpolitical art?You will find the intuition to consider art with political statements as political and art without as unpolitical.

Unpolitical definitions


politically neutral

See also: apolitical