Unpick in a sentence as a verb

Using --no-ff to make it easy to unpick a faulty merge on a shared repo.

Currently if I pull a given item I get all its sub-comments as well, which I then have to unpick.

I understand perfectly well that if it goes wrong I will, most likely, be able to unpick the damage.

\nDefinitely going to see if it helps with me requirements of trying to unpick complex financial models built from spreadsheets.

When it comes to changing data structures / larger changes within the product there's a fear of getting it wrong and having a mess to unpick later.

I'm not trying to attack you, I'm just trying to make sure we're using the word in the same way, because I couldn't attribute anything to a patriarchy in the way you do. I can't unpick the workings of society in that way.

Ultimately you can't unpick design completely from other social trends/problems, as it is all woven together.

Other examples are Sage vs freeagnet ?hard to unpick market tactics and strategy from code - but it's hard to deny there is a link intuitively

I agree with you - sometimes, me spending five minutes not only saves someone else an hour, it saves me hours later on when I have to unpick something someone else has done.

I haven't had to try and build stack frames dynamically to implement reflection calls, nor unpick stack frames dynamically to implement virtual method interception.

I mean 'undo', 'revert', 'reverse' - unpick just feels more appropriate because its often a fiddly process if you are doing anything more than a simple revert or back-out type operation.

If you are serious about external to USA investments and families, please please stop using US only sporting analogies that need Wikipedia articles to unpick.

I gave this some thought today, and I wondered what the ramifications were for having to unpick 100s of years of perhaps other law and cases and convictions, including those where maybe a prior conviction under the act led to X led to Y... and then there is all the conjoined case law.

Unpick definitions


become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of; "unravel the thread"

See also: unravel unknot unscramble untangle


undo (the stitches) of (a piece of sewing)