Unorthodox in a sentence as an adjective

It's a little unorthodox, but it works well for us.

Data is data and code is code!We earn several benefits from this unorthodox choice.

And if you want an interesting unorthodox quant, read eric falkenstein.

I like the idea of being scrappy and unorthodox, but one corporate entity protesting another?

Perhaps I'll write an article about these unorthodox DNS configurations if people are interested.

We've always had to stretch things as far as possible given server, financial, and time constraints, which has led to some interesting/unorthodox "solutions.

Third, you will invariably explore some unusual or unorthodox ideas that you simply would not be exposed to in a directed, formal program.

However, if they lose anyway after employing an unorthodox strategy, the critics will be vicious, much as described in the football article.

It is an unorthodox but quite interesting perspective on the counter productivity of complex industrial societies.

Agreed that sounds like ********, but assuming they did in fact plan to win the vote in a way which looks exactly like cheating but which turns out to be unorthodox but legitimate, we've got an early contender for marketing gambit of the year.

No, what the new measures do is keep out asian immigrants whose parents don't emphasize "soft" pass-times, who don't have the economic security to pursue unorthodox ambitions, who usually don't have the cultural integration to be active in the community, etc.

Unorthodox definitions


independent in behavior or thought; "she led a somewhat irregular private life"; "maverick politicians"

See also: irregular maverick


breaking with convention or tradition; "an unorthodox lifestyle"