Unmeasured in a sentence as an adjective

I wonder if alcohol can have some unmeasured effect apart from sugar content and PH.

This essentially assumes that there are a lot of unmeasured variables.

Among them are bias from measured and unmeasured confounding and the difficulty posed by polydrug use.

What do you mean unmeasured resources?Look, I admit that you can't make good business decisions on Google's scale without using the data.

It generally fails to the problem of lurking variables, or confounding: That some unmeasured external factor affects the study.

Many studies account for it and we are acutely aware of this problem and have some sophisticated methods for dealing with unmeasured propensities.

Over time, technology and business needs might force a re-evaluation of that position, but you don't want to build around unmeasured plans to maybe switch databases at random some day.

"And so as a publicly owned, regulated, billion dollar corporation, it no longer make sense to commit unmeasured resources to support unmeasurable benefits.

The results were good but when they went to build another one it didn't work right because of unmeasured EM feedback and subtle differences between individual circuits meaning every circuit would have to run its own evolution, negating most of the usefulness of the project.

We had obtained information from treatment records and family history reports, but we chose not to use such additional information, except for the resulting best-estimate final DSM ratings of diagnosis, because its extent and quality varied in unmeasured ways between cases.

..Nevertheless, the findings remained significant also after adjustment for an individual or family history of psychiatric disorders and substance abuse which could be associated with several of these unmeasured risk factors as well as socio-economic factors.

Unmeasured definitions


impossible to measure; "unmeasurable reaches of outer space"

See also: immeasurable unmeasurable immensurable


not composed of measured syllables; not metrical; "unmeasured prose"