Unmanly in a sentence as an adjective

If nursing is seen as unmanly, then there's not a lot one can do about that.

To make fun of them for being unmanly and having cute avatars?

"Words tossed around when he started his campaign were "efette", "wimp", and "unmanly".

It's the conflation of factors that tell young kids that "gay = wrong/weak/unmanly"--parents, media, peers, etc.

If you're a typical heterosexual male they'll tell you you're gay and unmanly.

She is moaning about activities and toys that are unmanly, not the process of making stuff.

] The problem is, once your home is up and running there's not much for you to do, but "unmanly" house chores form a never-ending stream.

You're enforcing the stereotypical gender role of men: "Don't whine, that's unmanly, don't complain, deal with your own problems".

To the working class, the notion of staying at school till you are nearly grown-up seems merely contemptible and unmanly.

Unmanly in a sentence as an adverb

There's nothing inherently manly or unmanly about paid-only or freemium apps.

Obviously, defaulting on debt is immoral, unethical, unmanly, whatever you want to call it.

"Let us pray that our ancient national genius may long preserve vitality enough to guard us from a future so unmanly and so unbeautiful!

Thus, we wouldn't discriminate against your daughter entering tech unless men had in the meantime become ostracized as unmanly for pursuing tech, which is unlikely.

I will not feel unmanly through appearing miserable and vulnerable on facebook, but...I see everything in life as something which helps or hinders me in getting laid.

This is like saying Buddhists would be the best suited people to disarm gun-lovers, without considering that said gun-lovers don't want to be disarmed, and see pacifists as weak and unmanly.

But the joke is situated on the premise that it's cool to brag about what a man's made a woman say while ******* her, or, its opposite, that it's embarrassing and unmanly if a woman's been disappointed by a man in the bedroom.

> 'gay' and '******' are still a word used by virtually everyone to put things down as 'unmanly' or generally 'shameworthy'The fact you think "virtually everyone" does that certainly says a lot about you and the type of people you spend time with.

Unmanly definitions


not possessing qualities befitting a man

See also: unmanful unmanlike


lacking in courage and manly strength and resolution; contemptibly fearful

See also: pusillanimous poor-spirited


without qualities thought to befit a man

See also: unmanfully