Unjustified in a sentence as an adjective

I've been met with looks of disgust for using a filesystem to implement a queue, but I feel it's unjustified.

If it's not competitive, then let it lose in an open market instead of hobbling it with an unjustified sales ban.

The attacks on Buffett are utterly unfair and unjustified.

It's essentially reading 20 unjustified bullet points to me.

I hate all the visual clutter and unjustified complexity the new stylish iOS-like interfaces bring.

You have to separate two scenarios: plaintiff brings a justifiable suit but loses, and plaintiff brings an unjustified suit.

I don't understand why people think it's "unrelentingly pessimistic" that is "unjustified".

Thank you!I was wary of this thread showing up on HN because I felt I was a bit unkind when posting in that thread, but Chris' comment towards me seemed completely unjustified.

If you're not paying at least $7 a month for a cpanel account, then expecting the host to be lenient for non-payment and subsequent abuse from the non-payee is unjustified.

"This conclusion is unsupported, wildly unjustified, and from experience nonsense.

It wasn't about whether the laws that Uner had trouble with we're justified or not, it was about how Disruptive startups try to paint any and all regulation and laws as unjustified despite there often being merit to them.

Intelligent people can disagree in good faith about the issue, but labeling the anti-software patent position a "completely vacuous cop-out" is unjustified rhetoric.

I don't think that the unjustified and unilateral removal of code from someone else's access or threatening anyone with legal action is ever an acceptable mistake, let alone "trivial".The law is not a toy, and it's not supposed to be wielded casually.

Under normal situations, on normal topics, I have no reason to talk with them at length and grandiloquence is unjustified....At least part of the problem here is that in the crazy mirror land of the blackmarkets and Bitcoin in general, sanity is hard to distinguish from insanity, there really are key bits of information random parties can have, not everyone talks straight, blackmail does payoff, and there really are hidden millionaires & billionaires walking around in plain sight.

Unjustified definitions


lacking justification or authorization; "desire for undue private profit"; "unwarranted limitations of personal freedom"

See also: undue unwarranted