Unimaginable in a sentence as an adjective

Things like this were unimaginable just a decade ago. The urge to change is genuine.

It's unimaginable to me that they really need such a vast amount of space. It's unimaginable that they really expect their app to work at all on an old phone without choking it to death.

We trust them to report when unimaginable edge conditions are breached. We should instead supplement our sturdy but silent black boxes with a chattier partner.

But to turn this in a more interesting direction, there are many unimaginable things that can happen in 5,000 years and I can think of a few. And also reasons why people choosing to self correct downwards might be not so bad.

There was unimaginable outrage, because as you can guess, that affects a good portion of the population. In response, they changed the bill to only affect those with over 100k Euros.

The idea that you might have to bump your college degree by 5 years is unimaginable at age 22. I don't foresee myself ever needing an explicit lie, but it's hard to keep a story consistent over 20 years.

I find it unimaginable that any team can work itself into such a good position and then blow it away over seemingly petty issues. Is it possible that some trend other than scale is at work here?

It's not unimaginable to think that they could just skip laptops and go straight to smartphones. It would be nice if these smartphones were enabled to provide a "productivity personality".

Problems can be resolved with solutions, some of which are unimaginable now but will be normal in the not-far future. So the question remains: on what objective grounds can you claim "there is simply too many people in the world"?

It's archival work at a scale that would be unimaginable if restricted to recognized institutions.

> But you do not have to venture far from the centre of Nairobi or Shanghai, and only round the corner in Mumbai, to see sights unimaginable in Norway or Switzerland. The appeal to emotions here wasn't needed, nor was it affective.

Oh God I know the answers to all those interview questions and I remember using all those features and it seems like an unimaginable Cthulhoid horror now.

Maybe others could have done that as well, but Armstrong actually did it, staying calm under unimaginable pressure and averting disaster.

Not in Silicon Valley, where the fog burns off by noon and it’s an article of faith that talented, hard-working techies can change the world and reap unimaginable wealth in the process. “We live in a bubble, and I don’t mean a tech bubble or a valuation bubble.

Because the NSA hasn't proven that they're willing to go through nearly unimaginable lengths to procure any and all data that they can get their hands on. NSA hires hacker to install monitoring devices on all the samsung charging stations at O'Hare airport?

We elect a professed civil libertarian as President, and he brings the State to unimaginable and exciting new heights of violence against individual liberty. Burn the system to the ground?

Episode 1 was made on a vast budget, drew on extremely rich source material, and was the culmination of unimaginable amounts of time and effort by a large number of hard-working people. For me, that makes the failure of Episode 1 more profound and more egregious.

My wife spent years being horrified at seeing her half-Taiwanese children going out lightly dressed in temperatures that were unimaginable to her when she was growing up, while I just smiled and said, "Our children are just reflecting their Norwegian ancestry." Today we've all learned to deal with the cold.

But the moment you need any kind of advanced functionality, such as say, something unimaginable like rebasing a Mercurial Queue against an upstream change that conflicts, you are suddenly dealing with tools that are no more advanced than diff and patch, and most certainly don't support any advanced operation on the patches that they juggle. I heard some modern tools like CVS support an advanced operation they call "merge".

Like, readable is one thing, but they always end up like stringFromAppendingThingToThingToNumberYieldingThingThx and it becomes unimaginable to use Objective-C without XCode to autocomplete the other 40 characters.

Unimaginable definitions


totally unlikely

See also: impossible inconceivable