Unhealthful in a sentence as an adjective

The alarm comes from schools marketing unhealthful food to them when we can't be there to ensure they make good choices.

The alarm comes from schools marketing unhealthful food to them ...How are schools marketing unhealthful food?

Canola oil looks good on paper, but there is something very unhealthful about it if my experience is any indication.

Blue light is the new caffeine: 2010: Study says caffeine is unhealthful 2011: Study refutes 2010 caffeine study 2012: New study says caffeine is unhealthful 2013: New study says caffeine is safe 2014: Etc.

You can see this as a kind of progression of the supplement industry, one where the delivery stands a better chance of matching the promise: For example, Coca-Cola and Milo both marketed themselves as a form of "medicine" or "health food" early on, and then only later reworked their image as they became more evidently unhealthful to the public.

Unhealthful definitions


not sanitary or healthful; "unsanitary open sewers"; "grim and unsanitary conditions"

See also: unsanitary insanitary


detrimental to good health; "unhealthful air pollution"; "unhealthful conditions in old apartments with peeling lead-based paint"


detrimental to health

See also: insalubrious unhealthy