Ungrateful in a sentence as an adjective

If they reject it, they look arrogant and ungrateful.

They are trying super hard in the face of an ungrateful tech community.

She said I should never be ungrateful for a recruiter calling.

I mean, the whole tone of the article seemed, to me, to say "gee, it seems like I am pretty ungrateful, and this is a problem.

Bad companies act butthurt and whine that Generation X/Y are a bunch of ungrateful 'job hoppers.

Or should we slap him in the face and tell him he's ******* lucky to be where he is and he needs to stop acting so privileged and ungrateful?

Perhaps you should take your bar, rotate it 90 degrees, and stick it on the side where there's space for it!Sincerely,An ungrateful, lazy, bad person who just can't be pleased.

Are we ungrateful and overly privileged for wanting more than some bland minimally nutritious food and a roof over our heads?

We're going to do this so that we can go to the press and say that we offered you a raise, you're a bunch of ungrateful *****, and look at how you've ****** all of the poor riders.

You make that sound remarkably selfless of her, as she heroically arrives and tries to save the day, the ungrateful slobs unwilling to see what is good for them.

"self-righteousness attack on a very important tool is very misleading and ungrateful"Once again, self-righteous?

Are we ungrateful and overly privileged to want basic plumbing, a nice hot shower, a family that loves us, to be valued in our society and to be able to contribute to our society, anything at all?

Mashable adds value to their rewording of Google's blog post in the following ways:- link company and product names to search engine spam pages- giant image at the top to monetize 'below the fold'- tagged with more search engine spam pagesPlease don't be ungrateful.

Ungrateful definitions


not feeling or showing gratitude; "ungrateful heirs"; "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is / To have a thankless child!"- Shakespeare

See also: thankless unthankful


disagreeable; "I will not perform the ungrateful task of comparing cases of failure"- Abraham Lincoln