Ungodly in a sentence as an adjective

2 hours of my life each day wasted in ungodly traffic.

On top of that, it did require Redis, for some ungodly reason.

It's an ungodly f-cking disaster: it's very very difficult to understand and audit.

Still, their team had to put in an ungodly week to make and stress-test the fix; congratulations on ruining their quality of life for a week while still losing dropship.

What was that $20?So Surface changes this, Apple knows that Microsoft has the appetite to swallow ungodly amounts of money trying to get Surface some marketshare.

Again, Super Meat Boy has the "ungodly hard" thing down, but without the distinctive art direction and slightly disturbing story, would it have been as big of a success?

For every indie success there are ungodly numbers of complete failures and you can no longer twist the knobs of a publisher's titan AAA marketing machine to stack the deck.

Poor people are rarely accused of incredibly complex financial crimes or decades of being a Mob boss, nor do they usually have ungodly amounts of government resources targeted personally at them.

Poor people are quite frequently the targets of ungodly amounts of government resources personally targeted at them, especially in Texas and certain counties in Southern California.

If you're a Python user this is effectively equivalent to reading the NumPy internals which I can tell you first hand are an ungodly mess of preprocessor macros and code generation gone horribly wrong and far worse than this.

The IOC has always rubbed me the wrong way as well as the fetishisation of the Olympics to the point where a country/city is willing to sink ungodly amounts of negative ROI money into a bunch of permanent infrastructure with a temporary purpose.

Ungodly definitions


characterized by iniquity; wicked because it is believed to be a sin; "iniquitous deeds"; "he said it was sinful to wear lipstick"; "ungodly acts"

See also: iniquitous sinful