Unfriendly in a sentence as an adjective

This seems like a lot of rules... and kind of unfriendly.

And, to be honest, much as it may be unfriendly, it's a pretty good database.

What do you find unfriendly?I would most certainly not trust Haskell over Ada in embedded system work.

It's an unfriendly way to meet the Wikipedia community.

I realize we're all in our early 20s with 20/15 vision, but this trend of microscopic fonts is really unfriendly to the old guys who sometimes want to read things on the web.

I recently had a new user point out in quite spectacularly a direct fashion how unfriendly the "Getting Started" section of one of my apps is.

This is all fine and dandy but I actually find the approach taken by the professor in the first email to be quite unfriendly and perhaps even unprofessional.

Worse examples are useful when someone starts by saying silly things like "probably the single most consumer-unfriendly company on the planet.

Google, for a company that reputes to perform services, is probably the single most consumer-unfriendly company on the planet.

So the end result is still an enviromentally unfriendly destruction of 2000 perfectly fine multimeters.

All of the Nexus devices, for example....There is another advantage of using a locked down file system --- you may not be able to use a rootkit to break root and then modify the file system, but some unfriendly adversary, such as the FBI or the NSA, won't be able to do it to your phone without your knowledge, either.

Unfriendly definitions


not easy to understand or use; "user-unfriendly"


not disposed to friendship or friendliness; "an unfriendly coldness of manner"; "an unfriendly action to take"


not friendly; "an unfriendly act of aggression"; "an inimical critic"

See also: inimical


very unfavorable to life or growth; "a hostile climate"; "an uncongenial atmosphere"; "an uncongenial soil"; "the unfriendly environment at high altitudes"

See also: hostile uncongenial