Unfolding in a sentence as a noun

We can watch a similar thing unfolding in Hamburg at the moment.

Those of us who knew this was a huge disaster unfolding were not 'right by accident'.

It's sad that most people have not yet realized it but the most interesting story in the world is unfolding right now.

So I'm not the author of that but I am the SSF engineer in charge of that network and was present while that story was unfolding.

These cases are rare, but they do happen, and I'm grateful we have the tools necessary to keep the worst of the worst from unfolding in the real world.

And I predict similar frustration levels as use-cases for my iPad are unfolding.

His work to directly address it was an attempt to cure a tragedy that had been unfolding uninterrupted for hundreds of years.

There is a stunning lack of insight into the unfolding of human events that passes for moral and economic wisdom in some circles.

No "radio dials" to change stations, no watch-like clock faces, no textured buttons that look like physical buttons, no "unfolding" address books, etc.

Traditional map folding allows you to reference a portion of the map without unfolding it entirely.

What you can observe - large socioeconomic cuts to fundamental social welfare results in those scenes unfortunately unfolding in London.

That’s when you find out who you are and what your values are.“So when these people sell out, even though they get fabulously rich, they’re gypping themselves out of one of the potentially most rewarding experiences of their unfolding lives.

"Jobs had been tracking a young software developer named Drew Houston, who blasted his way onto Apple’s radar screen when he reverse-engineered Apple’s file system so that his startup’s logo, an unfolding box, appeared elegantly tucked inside.

It's no wonder that trials by jury are becoming so vanishingly rare that even the Supreme Court has written that "in todays criminal justice system, the negotiation of a plea bargain, rather than the unfolding of a trial, is almost always the critical point for a defendant.

And most biographies only exaggerate this illusion, partly due to the worshipful attitude biographers inevitably sink into, and partly because, knowing how the story ends, they can't help streamlining the plot till it seems like the subject's life was a matter of destiny, the mere unfolding of some innate genius.

Unfolding definitions


a developmental process; "the flowering of antebellum culture"

See also: flowering