Unexpressive in a sentence as an adjective

But it quickly gets highly unexpressive as you move to a more global level.

I knew going in. Tarkin is a bit wooden and unexpressive but overall it is climbing out of the uncanny valley for me. At least on par with the young Professor X and Magneto.

I don't like the lack of basic functions like a generic map / filter function.. I know Rob Pike just says "use for loops", but it feels so unnecessarily unexpressive.

I would note that they do keep changing the syntax on a fairly regular basis, the libraries are still young, and I do find the language oddly unexpressive in places compared to even C++ with boost.

I think Python's is deliberately unexpressive, forcing you to use local variables pretty much everywhere.

While a set of symbols may be used for expression or communication, it is primitive and relatively unexpressive, because there are no clear or regular relationships between the symbols.

The advantages of decorators is they transform something otherwise difficult-to-read and unexpressive into something easier-to-read and more expressive, whereas this makes something that's easy-to-read less expressive with the only advantage being terseness.

The suggested syntax feels non-Pythonic, is inherently unexpressive and difficult to read, only useful in a few select use-cases while not solving the holy grail of 'pleasant anonymous functions', and the single problem it's solving isn't common enough or big enough to need dedicated syntax and could already largely be solved with a named function.

Unexpressive definitions


deliberately impassive in manner; "deadpan humor"; "his face remained expressionless as the verdict was read"

See also: deadpan expressionless impassive poker-faced