Undertone in a sentence as a noun

You didn't say that per se, but I felt it in the undertone of the whole essay.

Ok, if you really think the term "White Knight" has some undertone about gender, you have to be trolling at this point.

Stealing usually has the undertone that this is a zero-sum game.

While this is technically true, I disagree with the undertone.

There's often times an undertone of ridicule in the writing that I cannot overhear any more.

Sorry if my comment came across as suggesting that your argument had an "undertone of sexism".

There's a very subtle undertone of negativity in this article about physics.

There's a bit of an undertone in the article, stating that "if you don't let yourself get paid for photos you publish online then you must be doing something wrong".

It usually involves them trying to seem powerful and scary, but at the same time there's an undertone of wanting to connect with the people that they spy on.

But I don't recall there ever being any sort of "Google's strategy leans it toward evil; we need to avoid that" undertone in Paul's suggestion.

The entire article, while it made good points, always had an undertone of "Khan Academy is dangerous to me, therefore it's dangerous for everyone.

Our media, both mainstream and alternative, tends to revolve around scandal and outrage, and there's an apocalyptic undertone that we love to hear in everything.

Every so often, there would be a completely irrelevant and disconnected sixty second summary of some lucky chap who did really well in business, with an undertone that all you needed was to work hard and you'd become a millionaire.

I understand you might find my comments on history annoying, but I was pointing out a few things because the average reader is not familiar with such things, namely these scripts are not specific to Urdu despite Urdu reading-writing communities appreciating it and there is some undertone that Arabic scripts of lesser beauty are being forced upon Urdu readers and writers.

Undertone definitions


a quiet or hushed tone of voice; "spoke in undertones"


a subdued emotional quality underlying an utterance; implicit meaning

See also: undercurrent


a pale or subdued color

See also: tinge