Undertaking in a sentence as a noun

This seems like an insane undertaking for one person.

To be fair, exposing a snake oil salesman is a morally sound undertaking.

For example, migrating the Chrome build off of Visual Studio would be a large undertaking, large enough that it's rarely considered.

The researchers deserve serious props for undertaking this research in this climate, and whoever approved their study proposals for doing so.

I suspect that Bram has been maintaining the code base for so long, that he might need a bit more than a mere message to warm him up to the idea of a refactoring to the scale that you're undertaking.

The Port Authority told ABC it's undertaking a fast review of Castillo's breach and will find out how the perimeter detection system, built by defense contractor Raytheon "could be improved.

Someone that can be completely obsessive about \n something does have an advantage, but the same questions about focus \n apply for any amount of time you choose to devote to an \n undertaking.

There was a tradition of law and order, and a government capable of undertaking large national infrastructure projects, like building hydropower stations and roads, albeit with outside help.

From Stephen's tumblr:"23RD JAN 2014\nRecent experiences caused me to examine my motivation for undertaking potentially revenue-generating projects.

Undertaking definitions


any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted; "he prepared for great undertakings"

See also: project task labor


the trade of a funeral director