Unconditioned in a sentence as an adjective

My work space is a single car unconditioned garage, atop a stack of boxes.

Or some sort of warning that says "batteries unconditioned, don't trust readout".

Trying to take an unconditioned person and telling them to hold a deep squat like that for hours = injuries all over.

And depending on the size of your unit and how much space you can leave unconditioned, it can save substantial energy to use a split solution.

Especially if you can eliminate ductwork from unconditioned space!

I've inadvertently unconditioned myself from the purchase response.

Whatever God is, if it is to be God, it must be utterly transcendent and unconditioned on circumstance, unlike any natural phenomena.

>I do run 2 to 4 times a week so I do wonder if that helps avoid problems?I think there are a lot of stressed and unconditioned office workers who want some magical device to solve everything.

Now, increasingly, the unconditioned, lower-quality commenters are beginning to gain the power of numbers.

This reverses the flow – the brain becomes a custodian of unconditioned knowledge, rather than the manufacturer of faulty experienced-based knowledge.

Even more so: Your capacity to ground yourself in what-you-are - meaning, the unconditioned you, as gooey as that may sound - is proportional to the capacity that you can play life with lightness and humor.

Yetthe ought, originally so unconditioned, does postulate afterwards acondition for itself, really in order to be rid of the inner contradic-tion, burdened with which it cannot live.

Unconditioned definitions


not established by conditioning or learning; "an unconditioned reflex"

See also: innate unlearned


not conditional; "unconditional surrender"

See also: unconditional