Uncompromising in a sentence as an adjective

I am "uncompromising" in the most literal sense of the word.

The book is, if utterly uncompromising, extremely polite and calm in tone.

> an uncompromising idealistThat's what I respect most about him.

If he thinks free software is the most important social issue of our time, don't be surprised his other beliefs flow from it. I think his role as an uncompromising figure is important to maintain the shape of the overton window.

And that he did, in a world of horrible consumer electronics he would not abide, he set out and truly lead the creation of some very awesome and uncompromising products.

Everyone in an uncompromising performance-measured job will be canned under such circumstances.

If there was a Linux distribution with Apple levels of attention to detail and a modicum of taste--and that doesn't mean "looks like OS X", something different could be fine so long as it was designed for human beings instead of neckbeards and was uncompromising in its attention to detail--I'd probably be there.

Stallman reminds me more of Steve Jobs than anyone else does: - 70's wunderkind - simple, clear belief about what computing should be - realized his vision, creating permanent improvement enjoyed directly or indirectly by every computer user - uncompromising in his determination to control his environment Personally I believe he has some major blind spots -- so did Jobs.

Uncompromising definitions


not making concessions; "took an uncompromising stance in the peace talks"; "uncompromising honesty"

See also: sturdy inflexible