Unclothe in a sentence as a verb

It's 2012 - no one in the world should go homeless, unclothed, or hungry.

You can't go around unclothed, you always have to pick some sort of clothing to wear.

I'm very glad that there are very few people in the city that go unfed or unclothed.

Each technology is designed to produce a crude image of an unclothed person.

One quarter of the first page of Google Images results for "humanoid robots" are unclothed, with unprotected robot surfaces showing.

Seems like these articles never clarify if they're talking about clothed or partially unclothed exposure.

> fatal even to fit and healthy people, unclothed in the shade next to a fan;This is scary, what's a good way to survive for someone that doesn't have access to a bunker or AC?

I would feel uncomfortable with partially-unclothed dancers of any gender at a Bar Camp or hack day regardless of cultural norms.

> if a child is traumatized after viewing a pair of boobs or a vaginaIt's like people on HN have never seen online pornography, which is usually much more than just an unclothed boob.

Perhaps the Asian lady was unclothed?Joking aside, it's possible that these details stuck in the OP's mind because she happened to be one of the only females and/or Asians in the group.

The Syfy TV series "Caprica" had an unclothed woman suggestively holding an apple in its ads, but how many people consciously recognized it as biblical allegory?

Think, if you please, of happy times gone by and Of times when malice and deceit were still unknown, And things under the stars went hand in hand; You will then see that, not only when alone, But all the time, in rain and weather fair Man went unclothed, both young and fully grown.

At what point did we decide the human form is indecent in its unclothed state, and people should be deprived of their freedom for exposing their natural form in public?At what point did we decide people should be deprived of their freedom simply for looking at images of children in their natural, unclothed state?

You joke about it, but with the betterment of facial recognition and Facebook, just imagine 1 scenario...All those folks who share selfies of themselves anonymously online both of them clothed and unclothed, we are starting to see the ability to pinpoint who they are, just because they keep an online facebook.

Unclothe definitions


strip; "unclothe your heart of envy"


take the covers off; "She unclothed her innermost feelings"


get undressed; "please don't undress in front of everybody!"; "She strips in front of strangers every night for a living"

See also: undress discase uncase strip disrobe peel