Uncivil in a sentence as an adjective

" "16 people flagged this comment, and it was tagged uncivil.

He was sarcastic but that's hardly being uncivil.

The guy didn't sound "uncivil" to me, he just sounded frustrated.

As on outsider, the whole thing felt really uncivil to me. I guess I just don't understand the hate.

If you don't like the stories, it's not going to improve the situation to be uncivil in the comment threads.

" I find it strange that you're disillusioned with HN because your uncivil comment was not well received.

Any uncivil or harsh comment usually get to the bottom of the page quickly.

Users will sometimes argue 4 or 5 times back and forth, often becoming mean and uncivil.

The problem is that he did respond, to tell the user that they were too uncivil to deserve a more helpful response.

Whereas stupid or uncivil comment threads have probably cost us lots of users, and indeed, some of the ones I'd least like to lose.

It is their ******* up which is uncivil, not my choice to abstain from praising Jesus before eating chicken fingers at a business lunch.

That's not very kind now is it?These threads remind me of reading newspaper articles that discuss how uncivil our current political discourse is compared to the far more civil past.

Roughly things shouldn't be endorsed if they are gratuitously uncivil or content-free, but there will presumably be a fully detailed version of that policy.

> "quality content with a focus on... anything that appeals to the inquisitive mind"This is a source of a lot of uncivil behavior on HN. Startup founders/tech geeks are intellectually interested in a lot of topics but unqualified to discuss them in any detail.

Uncivil definitions


lacking civility or good manners; "want nothing from you but to get away from your uncivil tongue"- Willa Cather

See also: rude