Unbiassed in a sentence as an adjective

Zero value for industry for now... unbiassed review nonetheless

What if one industry is dominated by two companies, in the sense that all the experts are employed by one or the other, then how could they be unbiassed?

Since Trump publicised hydroxychloroquine the whole debate around it has become so poisoned by politics it's unable to find an unbiassed opinion.

The world, it has often been remarked, appears as if it had long been preparing for the advent of man [...] The most humble organism is something much higher than the inorganic dust under our feet; and no one with an unbiassed mind can study any living creature, however humble, without being struck with enthusiasm at its marvellous structure and properties.

Unbiassed definitions


characterized by a lack of partiality; "a properly indifferent jury"; "an unbiasgoted account of her family problems"

See also: indifferent unbiased


without bias

See also: unbiased