Unawares in a sentence as an adverb

If he's caught unawares, is in a bad mood or just plain tired, you will reap what you've sown.

Next time I get caught unawares and smell like cat **** in public, I'll say I bought a Dell.

She got caught unawares with the Snowden episode, so this time she wants to make sure she's at the front.

It caught me unawares since I already try to avoid SF in general.

It did not matter to Jobs if the consumer was unawares of the virtues of his future products.

In both instances, the senior executives claim to be caught unawares.

Pretty much everybody that got caught unawares by their sites sudden demise.

A figure called the "camera fiend" began to appear at beach resorts, prowling the premises until he could catch female bathers unawares.

I'm glad I read this: I pre-ordered the ad version yesterday unawares, and just cancelled my order and re-ordered with the extra no-ad tax.

Nations act on self interest, it is very important to know what other nations are doing around you, or you could be caught unawares, like Europe was when the Blitzkrieg started.

On the intern side, as it becomes more obvious to people how vulnerable large firms are to disruption by agile startups, the knowledge of how to price, value, and market oneself will become more widespread, and fewer grads will be taken unawares.

I mention the dog being neurotic because he went through a phase of reacting to anything in his size class, such as rocking horses and small goods trolleys, and is still inclined to react to things like his own shadow or reflection in a window if it catches him unawares.

I personally hope I get to go the way I want to.... struck directly in the head, from behind, caught completely unawares by something moving at several times the speed of sound, with enough size and kinetic energy to very quickly dissociate my body's molecules with negligible loss to the impactor's velocity.

Unawares definitions


without forethought or plan; inadvertently; "came upon the diamond unawares"


suddenly and unexpectedly; "rain caught them unawares"; "sorrow comes to all, and to the young it comes with bittered agony because it takes them unawares"- A.Lincoln


at a disadvantage; "I was caught short"

See also: short