Unattached in a sentence as an adjective

If you have a cottage, unattached garage, barn, etc, that might help.

* Session choosing fixed to work with unattached sessions.

I am single and unattached, so I've got plenty of disposable income.

On this front, I'd just try to evaluate your emotional well-being in the most balanced and unattached way possible.

I was single and unattached, and just dove into work as a coping mechanism, as did a number of other co-workers.

Its generally polite to only make advances on unattached people.

But I meet single, healthy unattached 20-somethings that complain about the state of things - this is the best time in your life to retool, readjust and get moving.

Some things you could do would include firing off XHR's and creating an unattached hierarchy of DOM nodes which could then be attached once the main DOM is ready.

But if she's an unattached workaholic, her life probably costs very little and no independent wealth is required.

At one point, saying "young, unattached people are better than old people at technology startups" went from a What You Can't Say to something you can wink wink nudge nudge we all know it's true.

I don't know how their team looks like but unless they are all unattached youngsters with no families and no other ties to their locations, 100% retainment under this condition is a pipe dream.

430mil of network-affect attached users is not 'whimsically unattached user base'.

Unattached definitions


not fastened together


not associated in an exclusive sexual relationship

See also: uncommitted


(of animals) able to swim about; not attached

See also: free-swimming