Unassuming in a sentence as an adjective

So much great research is lurking behind "unassuming" web presences.

What a quiet, unassuming hero Ladar Levison has turned out to be.

Whenever I struggle with an FP concept, those deeply nested in the community tend to be both eager to help and pretty unassuming.

I didn't know of him, but I was certainly fooled by Herbert Schildt when I started getting into programming...Schildt plays the same game, just on a subtler, smaller, more unassuming level.

But, if I still believe it to be a bad idea, rather than tell them their idea is stupid I simply say "I'd never build that because of x, y, & z" which is an honest and unassuming statement.

I have some problems about these numbers: In an anonymous industrial park in Virginia, in an unassuming brick building, the CIA is following tweets up to 5 million a day.

Here we have more evidence of the miraculous ability of crypto currencies to turn unassuming computer programmers into economics experts.

To me the most impressive thing about bitcoin is its ability to turn otherwise unassuming computer enthusiasts into genuine experts in macroeconomic forecasting without having to pick up a single book.

I've been a visa requiring foreigner for about a third of my life, and I have found that apart from being nice, humble and unassuming the best is to dress conservatively, be clean and just basically look like you are too conservative to break any rules.

However these three\n years of work in isolation [1945-1948], when I was thrown onto my own\n resources, following guidelines which I myself had spontaneously\n invented, instilled in me a strong degree of confidence, unassuming\n yet enduring in my ability to do mathematics, which owes nothing to\n any consensus or to the fashions which pass as law.

Unassuming definitions


not arrogant or presuming; "unassuming to a fault, skeptical about the value of his work"; "a shy retiring girl"

See also: retiring