Unalterable in a sentence as an adjective

It's so bizarre to me that people would look at the base install of essentially dotfiles as canonical and unalterable.

Data is like Time, Matter, Energy and Space - it's a component of reality, with its own unalterable properties.

Identity is important, but when a child makes a mistake you don't want to "lock it in" by confirming it as an unalterable quality.

"Von Neumann's sense of invulnerability, or simply the desire to live, was struggling with unalterable facts.

These people are worse than goldbugs, who at least have the largely unalterable and easy-to-understand physical properties of an element on their side.

When we recognize this, we tell ourselves that it's unavoidable, natural, unalterable, etc.

Well, the exact numbers on the right-hand side are still unknown: [girls interest in code] = [interest induced by predispositions] + [ by unalterable social pressure] + [ by alterable social pressure] chance

Don't get me wrong, I don't think there is unalterable inertia here, but at its peak MySpace was constantly broken, had far less adoption, and had far less interesting and integrated ways to collaborate than Facebook has established today.

All you're ultimately doing is completely and irrevocably substituting the unalterable judgement of somebody in a completely different time, place, and circumstance for the adaptable judgement of the person on the plane.

I'll need to tell everyone my new address!You are right, floods, tornadoes, tsunamis and natural disasters can wipe out landmarks and leave addresses or conventional signaling unusable , Location Aware Names remains always unalterable.>3: Internationalisation.

Unalterable definitions


not capable of being changed or altered; "unalterable resolve"; "an unalterable ground rule"

See also: inalterable


of a sentence; that cannot be changed; "an unalterable death sentence"


remaining the same for indefinitely long times

See also: changeless