Unalike in a sentence as an adjective

That is the very purpose of an analogy, to compare two unalike things.

Your comparison is completely unalike. Yes the US drone war program is bad.

I'll blog about this later this week, but you'd be surprised how unalike geeks and customers are on this one. Geeks perceive value from playing with software.

Because it's the most unalike[1] English-speaking place with a vibrant startup scene I could think of to live in. [1] unalike from Darwin.

They are completely unalike and it shows in how the operate. Risking other people's money is something anyone can do.

In syntax, the two languages are quite unalike, so I think the relative "easiness" will come down to whether or not the learner was already a programmer. As for "better:" better at what?

In the case of Hebrew, Hungarian and German, that's three radically different languages, about as unalike as three languages can be. Maybe that has an effect on the mind?

You know how making these surprisingly unalike systems deploy identically is really hard? So does Heroku, from whom a large body of Cloud Foundry buildpacks code is derived.

> The twins’ brains also were unalike. The active twins had significantly more grey matter than the sedentary twins, especially in areas of the brain involved in motor control and coordination.

Anyone of character appreciates & can mutually enhance those others of character, even if unalike.

Work differently' because the tasks are so unalike, or because the brains themselves are somehow different. Another question is proficiency: clearly 'virtuoso' pianists are different from 'amateurs' on both sides of the aisle.

When I think of human consciousnesses and souls the first thing I notice is how unalike we are to other animals, it is uniquely human, and the comparison with other animals begins and ends there

Chicago is right smack in the middle of the 'tongue' of the Laurentide ice sheet that sticks out way to the south - even today, without miles of ice the climate of NYC and Barcelona are quite unalike while being at the same latitude. At the point of maximum extent global mean temperatures were already rising, there were great big gobs of the Pleistocene in which they were far lower.'

I feel my operating system has done a better job & been a viable platform, having some inherent complexity but at the benefit of consistency & legibility that running dozens of different unalike containers can not replicate. While we ignore problems like user namespaces in containers initially, those problems have a tendency to creep back in in new forms.

If we skip the obvious step of proving that unalike things are in fact unalike we can address things as they are and examine them truthfully. In an ideal world your privacy ought not to be invaded by the authorities unless there is a reasonably good expectation that violating your privacy in particular will produce evidence relevant to the case at hand, that there is no narrower means to address the same cause, and that there is real harm in not doing so.

Unalike definitions


not alike or similar; "as unalike as two people could be"

See also: dissimilar