Umlaut in a sentence as a noun

Your customer might have an umlaut or an accent in his name.

"I also just got a captcha with an umlaut ... not very convenient on my keyboard.

While disappointing, it's perhaps not surprising that the umlaut in "Schrdinger's Cat" caused trouble.

* How do you use a regular expression in Python to match against o and "o with umlaut" as equivalent?

Now I have trouble typing umlaut and thus writing good German, but at least my coding speed improved by probably 50% and my Hand hurts far less.

For example:* How do you compare strings in Ruby so that an "o with umlaut" as a single character can be compared against a "o" + "umlaut" characters.

Wikipedia mentions a couple of von Bose, and I have to admit that I dont see any particularly tight link between Bose and bse the umlaut does have a special pronunciation, after all.

I had hoped from the headline that they would be doing something subtle, like replacing some capital "A"s with Greek "Alpha"s, or replacing a single-character "" with separate "u" and "combining umlaut".

Spelling a German umlaut with the letter e is etymologically correct, and it is a convention well known to Germans and to German-speakers in the non-German-speaking world.

Umlaut definitions


a diacritical mark (two dots) placed over a vowel in German to indicate a change in sound

See also: dieresis diaeresis