Ulna in a sentence as a noun

But wasn’t so lucky with ulna related issues :-/

Other than smashing my hands and one ulna, I was just a bit battered and bruised but the helmet was a wreck.

Its ulna was altered from being a forearm bone into an odd crescent shaped site for muscle attachment.

The role played by the ulna in most tetrapods is replaced by an elongated carpal bone.

So they snipped what was hanging, and then shorten my ulna in order to reduce pressure while pronated when typing.

They do relieve pressure from the ulna and radius being in a twisted position and they obviously relieve pressure from the side of the hands.

Given the rotating power of your average radius and ulna, isn't it possible to go all the way to <64 on single hand binary?

Ulna definitions


the inner and longer of the two bones of the human forearm