Tympan in a sentence as a noun

It's not blood but the vibrations of the tensor tympani muscle.

That's one of the automatic functions of the tensor tympani muscle.

Am I the only one who listened to the video and didn't have anything happen with my tensor tympani?

First, infrasound/near-DC pressure fluctuation triggers the tensor tympani reflex.

"Some individuals can voluntarily produce this rumbling sound by contracting the tensor tympani muscle of the middle ear.

It could also be the tensor tympani muscle tightening in response to a visual event that would normally be accompanied by an extremely loud noise.

From Wikipedia: "in humans, the acoustic reflex only involves the contraction of the stapedius muscle -not the tensor tympani.

Tympan definitions


a musical percussion instrument; usually consists of a hollow cylinder with a membrane stretched across each end

See also: drum membranophone